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Pro-Germinator® increases yield and profits!

By Abe Isaak, Regional Agronomy Manager

Effective management of nutrients is critical for potato production, as tuber yield and tuber quality are directly impacted by source, quantity, and timing of nutrient applications. Growing healthy potato crops must also be balanced with an economical fertilizer program.

A 2021 potato research trial in Idaho Falls, ID demonstrates once again that using Pro-Germinator at planting makes for a higher yield and higher profits.

Key findings from this research:

A $6 per sack investment in AgroLiquid crop nutrition returns back to the grower $150-$600 per acre.

Grower Standard program

AgroLiquid program


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Increase Soybean Yield With Sulfur Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:42:39 +0000 The post Increase Soybean Yield With Sulfur appeared first on AgroLiquid.


By Jacob Schmitt, Operations Agronomist


How important are sulfur applications to soybean yield? This is a question we hear often. In fact, we talk a lot about sulfur. Sulfur applications have become much more prominent in the past few years. In fact, it may be a nutrient we need to consider with the same level of importance as N, P and K.

Sulfur plays an extremely important role in nitrogen fixation in the soil. In a test at the North Central Research Station in 2020, the addition of sulfur from several different sources generated a positive ROI across the entire trial.

Y-Drop Sulfur Applications in Soybeans

Some of the key takeaways from this trial:

  • Adding an application of sulfur generated a positive yield response across the entire experiment
  • A Y-drop application of 2 gallons of accesS increased soybean yield by 3.7 per acre
  • A Y-drop application of CalSip at R2 increased yield 3.2 bushels per acre

Check out all of our research results on our website at

Want to learn about the importance of sulfur? AgroLiquid Agronomist John Leif penned this blog post, discussing why sulfur is so important to a crop.

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Foliar crop nutrition in soybeans Thu, 24 Jun 2021 11:50:50 +0000 The post Foliar crop nutrition in soybeans appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Soybeans require large amounts of potassium (K), sulfur (S), and calcium (Ca). They also require micronutrients such as manganese and iron to meet their yield potential. In addition to soil applications of those nutrients, soybeans often respond to foliar applications. Sure-K® and fertiRain® products are well suited to provide cost-effective crop nutrition when applied as foliar treatments.


Sure-K was applied for 10 consecutive years in a corn-soybean rotation as a soil applied treatment and as a foliar treatment. Over the 10 years of the trial, the foliar application of Sure-K at 3 gal/A consistently performed as well as Sure-K applied at 5 gal/A in-furrow.


When applied alone, fertiRain provides excellent potassium nutrition along with nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Application timings are flexible, and it can be tank mixed with many crop protection products.

The Right Mix

Sure-K and fertiRain can be applied alone, or in combination with each other or other crop nutrients. Soybeans will often require more potassium than fertiRain alone can provide, and fertiRain can provide additional nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur to Sure-K.

Performance Consistency is Key

Product performance consistency is as important as individual trial results. AgroLiquid has evaluated yield response to foliar applied Sure-K across 165 locations from 1998 – 2019. Those trials showed a high level of performance consistency and economic benefit. The economic response was calculated using the soybean market price and fertilizer costs appropriate for the year each trial was conducted.

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Tracking shot. Drone point of view of a Tractor spraying on a cultivated field. Small Business.

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Extend your nitrogen efficiency Wed, 17 Mar 2021 17:38:04 +0000 The post Extend your nitrogen efficiency appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Extend your UAN by adding eNhance™

ENhance is a sulfur-based additive for UAN solutions designed to enhance the uptake and efficiency of applied nitrogen. When mixed with UAN*, total nitrogen applications can be reduced by 20%.

$38.64 greater return on nitrogen dollarsAverage of 47 trials, 2001-2021

AgroLiquid has years of research to back performance in both corn and wheat. Multiple trials have shown the addition of eNhance with an 80% N use rate will provide similar yield response as UAN alone at 100% N use rate.


$11.70 greater return on nitrogen dollars using UAN + eNhanceAverage of 20 trials, 2004-2019

In addition to yield performance, the return on nitrogen dollar invested is greater with UAN + eNhance compared to UAN alone.

*Mix rate of 2 gal/ton of 28% UAN or 2.25 gal/ton of 32% UAN

Deliver Consistent Nitrogen

ENhance builds off of the Nutriq Technology we use to deliver a consistent macronutrient supply. The plant-based polymer chain allows the nutrients to be slowly released alongside nitrogen fertilizers, creating the perfect recipe for the highest level of nitrogen utilization.

ENhance is designed to be used with other nitrogen fertilizers. To make this as easy as possible, we made it simple to apply and combine with other fertilizers. Apply eNhance at the same time you apply your primary nitrogen fertilizer, and watch your crops thrive.

For more information, contact:

Stephanie Zelinko

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The Economic Benefits of Starter Fertilizer Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:33:53 +0000 The post The Economic Benefits of Starter Fertilizer appeared first on AgroLiquid.


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AgroLiquid has been working in partnership with Precision Planting to evaluate the use of our fertilizer products through their FurrowJet and Conceal application technology. This project was conducted at the Precision Technology Institute (PTI) in Pontiac, IL. This trial demonstrated the ability to apply phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients through the FurrowJet®, and nitrogen plus sulfur through the Conceal® to provide an excellent crop nutrition foundation for corn production and positive economic return.

The AgroLiquid crop nutrition program achieved an excellent average yield gain of +14.6 bu/A over the control, which equaled a positive return on investment of +$18.95/A*.

*Net return is based on yield increase compared to the control minus the cost of the fertilizer. Corn price used for this calculation was $3.75/bu and fertilizer prices were estimated average retail prices.

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For more information, contact:

John Leif, CCA - Regional Agronomy Manager

Learn more about these products:

Pro Germinator



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Flexibility for Winter Wheat Crop Nutrition Fri, 25 Sep 2020 17:19:30 +0000 The post Flexibility for Winter Wheat Crop Nutrition appeared first on AgroLiquid.


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Phosphorus and micronutrients are vital to improved winter wheat yields. Supplying adequate phosphorus (P) can help improve tillering, reduce winter-kill, maximize water-use efficiency, hasten maturity, and lower grain moisture at harvest. While N-P-K will always get top billing, several micronutrients are also important to seed set, flowering and stem strength, not to mention aiding the overall synergy of nutrient interactions in the plant.

Applied through a grain drill, Pro-Germinator and Micro 500 improved crop yield by nearly 10 bu/acre.

Pre-emergence, foliar, or top dress applications of AgroLiquid products can also provide excellent yield response if a producer does not have application equipment on the drill.


For more information, contact:

John Leif, CCA - Regional Agronomy Manager

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Folia Applications of Sure-K Improve Crop Performance Wed, 22 Jul 2020 19:12:58 +0000 The post Folia Applications of Sure-K Improve Crop Performance appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Foliar applications of Sure-K when soybeans are beginning to flower (R1) have a proven yield benefit. This timely application of Sure-K provides available liquid potassium at peak usage.

This trial from 2019 in LyCene, KS shows an increase of 3.4 bu/A with just 2 gal/A of Sure-K added to the grower’s standard treatment of 100# MAP and 100# potash.

All treatment: 100 lb/A potash + 100 lb/A DAP

Tractor spraying a field of soybean

Additional benefits of working with Kalibrate:

  • Low use rate
  • Ease of application
  • High average return on investment
  • Mixes with many other fertilizers and crop protection
  • Proven response on high potassium soils

For more information, contact:

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Late-Applications of Kalibrate Improve Crop Performance Thu, 21 May 2020 21:21:09 +0000 The post Late-Applications of Kalibrate Improve Crop Performance appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Late season applications of Kalibrate have a proven yield benefit. Kalibrate combines the proven performance of AgroLiquid potassium with sulfur. In this trial from Oakley, KS, Kalibrate was pivot injected at VT. The application improved stalk strength and water usability during a peak growth period, which resulted in a 8.8 bu/A yield increase.

Additional benefits of working with Kalibrate:

  • Low use rate
  • Ease of application
  • High average return on investment
  • Mixes with UAN and many other fertilizers
  • Proven response on high potassium soils

For more information, contact:

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Foliar Fertilizer on Soybeans Wed, 06 May 2020 22:13:45 +0000 The post Foliar Fertilizer on Soybeans appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Research trials at the North Central Research Station (NCRS) have long shown that foliar fertilizers can push several more bushels of soybeans per acre. But like anything dealing with plant nutrition, it should be “customized” to plant and soil needs. See trial results below from the NCRS .

Because of the wet spring that we all remember from last year, these soybeans were planted late. Thanks to an extended warm and dry fall, yields were surprisingly very good. The low soil phosphorus made the application of Pro-Germinator at planting necessary. Additionally, we often have not shown a response to foliar-applied potassium if another nutrient like phosphorus is limiting, like Liebig’s Law says.

The soil potassium level was not bad, but the % Base Saturation indicated that there could be a response to added potassium. Sure-K is AgroLiquid’s best nutrient product for foliar-applied potassium, and it did result in a yield increase. FertiRain is an excellent foliar product, but is not as effective as Sure-K for feeding potassium. There has been some suggestion of yield response with foliar-applied C-Tech due to the carbon and biologicals. But there was not much response in this experiment where potassium was the missing link.

For more information, contact:

Jerry Wilhm

Jerry Wilhm, PhD. | Agronomic Sciences

Research Lead
O: 989-227-3817
C: 989-640-3818

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PrimAgro P® Performance in Corn Thu, 16 Apr 2020 21:05:53 +0000 The post PrimAgro P® Performance in Corn appeared first on AgroLiquid.


PrimAgro P combines the proven performance of AgroLiquid phosphorus crop nutrition with select bacteria species.

Corn grown using PrimAgro P at 2.5 gal/A yielded better than corn grown using competitive products at 5 gal/A.

Corn grown using PrimAgro P at 2.5 gal/A yielded 14 bu/A higher than corn grown with no phosphorus fertilizer, even in a high phosphorus environment (soil test P level = 83 ppm).


All planter fertilizer treatments applied in-furrow and included PrimAgro K (5 GPA) + Micro 500 (0.5 GPA) + Iron (0.25 GPA) + Boron (4 oz/A). All treatments received 200 lb N.

Trial conducted by Mulford Agronomics, Hebron, MD.

For more information, contact:

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