cotton Archives - AgroLiquid AgroLiquid Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:12:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crop Nutrition Applications: Timing Matters! Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:12:30 +0000 The post Crop Nutrition Applications: Timing Matters! appeared first on AgroLiquid.


In cotton, the timing of applications is key. In a 2021 study conducted in Mantee, MS, all foliar applications happened at early bloom, which is a critical stage in a cotton plant’s life cycle.

This cotton was exposed to very heavy rainfall throughout the growing season and was 6′ tall in places, which is considered “rank” cotton. With so much vegetative growth, you would expect to see boll rot and fruit abscission, however in this study, the treated cotton did not experience any of this. The timing of the applications in this study was key.

Application of key nutrients during reproductive growth yielded more than 400 pounds more lint than the untreated check.

Key findings from this research:

  • The application of boron along with the micros and sulfur applied during early flowering contributed to the fruit retention and root health of the plant, and therefore the yield, in this overly tall cotton crop.
  • If no other applications can be made in season, getting these products out at a critical timing point is key. The first 40 days is the most crucial and in this trial, the timing was the direct correlation to the yield
  • Adding LintBooster to your tank mixes during peak reproductive growth can improve both overall yield and return on investment.

Learn more about these products:

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Lint Booster is a low-volume plant nutrition product designed to supply the N-P-K, secondary, and micronutrients cotton needs to thrive. With all the nutrients cotton plants need contained in one low-volume formula, Lint Booster makes it easy to maximize boll retention and extend fill.





Kapitalize is a fast-acting potassium with added calcium and sulfur designed to be foliar applied during the critical reproductive stages of plant growth. Kapitalize has been formulated to be combined and immediately applied with other AgroLiquid products.

The post Crop Nutrition Applications: Timing Matters! appeared first on AgroLiquid.
