Planter fertilizer Archives - AgroLiquid AgroLiquid Tue, 25 Jan 2022 16:01:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 In-Furrow eNhance™ Tue, 02 Nov 2021 14:29:58 +0000 The post In-Furrow eNhance™ appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Using eNhance In-Furrow – Effect on Yield and Soil Test Analysis

We’ve proven, time and again, that AgroLiquid’s eNhance in-furrow can improve yields. Research conducted at the North Central Research Station, along with in field trials across the U.S., has built a database of yield comparisons to help determine the likelihood of seeing a positive response, both agronomically and economically. Seventeen trials from multiple years and locations shows that over 94% of the time, adding eNhance to a planter fertilizer program shows a positive yield response along with an economic return of those fertilizer dollars invested. Applied at typical rate of 2 qt/A, on average a 7.7 bu/A yield increase was achieved. Having this data helps our sales team make recommendations and growers make better management decisions.

What About the Soil?

The NCRS is key to helping collect win-rate data but are able to take research one step further. An advantage of having our own research facility is we can look more in depth to the “why” behind yield response in addition toCollecting soil samples to determine the effect of eNhance on nutrient analysis and pH. answering agronomic questions to improve our product positioning and recommendations. We’ve proven, time and again, that this product can improve yields, but can eNhance, being a sulfur product, also have an effect on the surrounding soil? Can it lower the soil pH where needed? Can it actually build soil sulfur levels? Fortunately AgroLiquid has the North Central Research Station that is able to find answers to these questions.

The Research

A replicated plot experiment was conducted in 2020 in a field with a higher pH and low soil test sulfur (as is common here and elsewhere). An in-furrow fertilizer program was applied both with and without a 2 qt/A rate of eNhance.

In-furrow, 4-inch soil samples were taken over time to measure the effects of the two treatments on soil pH and sulfur levels. These were compared to samples collected from between the rows where no fertilizer was applied. And finally, at season’s end the plots were harvested for yield. Results appear in the following chart.

The research found that eNhance did not have an effect on soil pH or soil test sulfur beyond that of the in-furrow planter fertilizer. The pH of Pro-Germinator and Sure-K is in the low 6 range, and this in itself could affect the pH of the planter fertilizer zone. And lower pH can also increase soil test sulfur. The 2 qt/A rate of eNhance does not have sufficient volume to affect pH anyway, especially when the pH of eNhance is near neutral. Additionally, an increase soil test sulfur is unlikely when less than half a pound of actual sulfur is applied.

Feed the Plant

AgroLiquid has long maintained that its nutrition is for feeding the plant. Evidently the in-furrow eNhance is doing just that as the yield response was over 10 bushels per acre, a statistically significant increase! So use eNhance as a yield-building tool to provide the nutrients that are needed for top economic production. For field crops, addition of eNhance at planting and then accesS™ or CalSip™ in subsequent application is a good option for top yield (check out our research proving the effectiveness of these products).

For more information, contact:

Jerry Wilhm, PhD - Research Lead

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Extend your nitrogen efficiency Wed, 17 Mar 2021 17:38:04 +0000 The post Extend your nitrogen efficiency appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Extend your UAN by adding eNhance™

ENhance is a sulfur-based additive for UAN solutions designed to enhance the uptake and efficiency of applied nitrogen. When mixed with UAN*, total nitrogen applications can be reduced by 20%.

$38.64 greater return on nitrogen dollarsAverage of 47 trials, 2001-2021

AgroLiquid has years of research to back performance in both corn and wheat. Multiple trials have shown the addition of eNhance with an 80% N use rate will provide similar yield response as UAN alone at 100% N use rate.


$11.70 greater return on nitrogen dollars using UAN + eNhanceAverage of 20 trials, 2004-2019

In addition to yield performance, the return on nitrogen dollar invested is greater with UAN + eNhance compared to UAN alone.

*Mix rate of 2 gal/ton of 28% UAN or 2.25 gal/ton of 32% UAN

Deliver Consistent Nitrogen

ENhance builds off of the Nutriq Technology we use to deliver a consistent macronutrient supply. The plant-based polymer chain allows the nutrients to be slowly released alongside nitrogen fertilizers, creating the perfect recipe for the highest level of nitrogen utilization.

ENhance is designed to be used with other nitrogen fertilizers. To make this as easy as possible, we made it simple to apply and combine with other fertilizers. Apply eNhance at the same time you apply your primary nitrogen fertilizer, and watch your crops thrive.

For more information, contact:

Stephanie Zelinko

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Reach Your Soybean Crop Goals Wed, 24 Feb 2021 15:54:05 +0000 The post Reach Your Soybean Crop Goals appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Just 3 gal/A at planting nets more than 3.5 bu/A increase at harvest!

Planter-time phosphate sources like springuP™ can supply a young crop’s immediate needs, while slow release sources of P, such as Pro-Germinator®, sustain a season-long feeding.

With adequate phosphate levels in the soil, highly available early season ortho-phosphate sources can start a crop on the right path.

As evidenced in this trial, with plenty of phosphorus and potassium already applied (all treatments included 100 lbs/A DAP and 100 lbs/A 0-0-60), all the crop needed was a product with readily available orthophosphate to get ahead. In fact, the stand count on the plot treated with springuP and Micro 500® had nearly 6,000 more plants per acre than the plot that received only DAP and 0-0-60. This was reflected in the additional 3.7 bu/A yield.

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SpringuP is a liquid phosphorus fertilizer starter designed to give plants a jump-start on the growing season. The combination of phosphorus, nitrogen and potash sets the stage for strong, early growth. SpringuP liquid phosphorus fertilizer can help plants emerge faster, giving them an early start on the growing season.


Pro Germinator

Pro-Germinator uses a blend of phosphate, nitrogen, potash, and iron to maximize crop response at critical growth stages. The combination of quick-release phosphates with slow-release, carbon-protected, polymer phosphates, promotes exceptional growth early on, and plants continue flourishing through reproductive stages.

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The Economic Benefits of Starter Fertilizer Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:33:53 +0000 The post The Economic Benefits of Starter Fertilizer appeared first on AgroLiquid.


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AgroLiquid has been working in partnership with Precision Planting to evaluate the use of our fertilizer products through their FurrowJet and Conceal application technology. This project was conducted at the Precision Technology Institute (PTI) in Pontiac, IL. This trial demonstrated the ability to apply phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients through the FurrowJet®, and nitrogen plus sulfur through the Conceal® to provide an excellent crop nutrition foundation for corn production and positive economic return.

The AgroLiquid crop nutrition program achieved an excellent average yield gain of +14.6 bu/A over the control, which equaled a positive return on investment of +$18.95/A*.

*Net return is based on yield increase compared to the control minus the cost of the fertilizer. Corn price used for this calculation was $3.75/bu and fertilizer prices were estimated average retail prices.

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For more information, contact:

John Leif, CCA - Regional Agronomy Manager

Learn more about these products:

Pro Germinator



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Micro 500 Key to Crop Potential Mon, 04 Jan 2021 20:31:25 +0000 The post Micro 500 Key to Crop Potential appeared first on AgroLiquid.


The Value of Prescription Fertility

Micronutrients are key to ensuring your crop has everything it needs to reach its fullest potential. Micro 500 is specially designed to provide the plant with a base of the necessary nutrients and can be combined with individual nutrients from AgroLiquid’s microLink lineup to address additional specific needs.

Evaluating multiple locations across the US over the last 20+ years, AgroLiquid has developed win-rates of Micro 500 when added to a corn fertility program. This evaluates both yield and economics to help growers make better decisions on their crop fertility program.

Average of 17 locations across the US; 1996 – 2020

Use rate: 1 – 2 qt/A

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Micro 500 contains the essential micronutrients zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron. These micronutrients stimulate healthy growth in a variety of ways, and work synergistically with one another. By improving chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, Micro 500 helps to support every growth stage.

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For more information, contact:

Stephanie Zelinko

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Flexibility for Winter Wheat Crop Nutrition Fri, 25 Sep 2020 17:19:30 +0000 The post Flexibility for Winter Wheat Crop Nutrition appeared first on AgroLiquid.


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Phosphorus and micronutrients are vital to improved winter wheat yields. Supplying adequate phosphorus (P) can help improve tillering, reduce winter-kill, maximize water-use efficiency, hasten maturity, and lower grain moisture at harvest. While N-P-K will always get top billing, several micronutrients are also important to seed set, flowering and stem strength, not to mention aiding the overall synergy of nutrient interactions in the plant.

Applied through a grain drill, Pro-Germinator and Micro 500 improved crop yield by nearly 10 bu/acre.

Pre-emergence, foliar, or top dress applications of AgroLiquid products can also provide excellent yield response if a producer does not have application equipment on the drill.


For more information, contact:

John Leif, CCA - Regional Agronomy Manager

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Micronutrients Add Value Fri, 06 Mar 2020 16:38:04 +0000 The post Micronutrients Add Value appeared first on AgroLiquid.


While plants use micronutrients in very small amounts, they are just as essential for plant growth as primary (N, P, and K) and secondary (S, Ca, and Mg) nutrients. Any one of them can limit growth and even cause plant death when deficient. In this example from the North Central Research Station, an application of Micro 500 and microLink Manganese increased yield by more than five bushels per acre.

Micronutrients graph


Always use a complete soil test analysis to determine the nutrients needed for your situation. The image to the right is the soil test results from these research plots.

Micro 500 is an excellent micronutrient source that may be ‘spiked’ with additional nutrients to meet yield goals.

Learn More About These Products

Micro 500Micro 500 contains the essential micronutrients zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron. These micronutrients stimulate healthy growth in a variety of ways, and work synergistically with one another. By improving chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, Micro 500 helps to support every growth stage.

Micronutrients play a pivotal role in crop development. If micronutrient deficiencies persist year after year, they will continue to damage crops regardless of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied. That’s where our microLink family of products can come in. From boron to molybdenum, we have a full line of micronutrients.

For more information, contact:

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AgroLiquid provides ‘Nutrient Synergism’. What’s that? Wed, 04 Mar 2020 16:21:28 +0000 The post AgroLiquid provides ‘Nutrient Synergism’. What’s that? appeared first on AgroLiquid.


If a soil nutrient is in short supply, you would expect a yield response when that nutrient is applied to a crop. But addressing only a single nutrient will not give optimum yield. So, the teaming up of nutrients can give a response that is greater than expected. In this example from the North Central Research Station, application of Sure-K potassium gave a yield increase of 6.8 Bu/A over that of nitrogen alone. Similarly, the application of Pro-Germinator phosphorus gave a 17.9 Bu/A increase.

Bar chart comparing in-furrow planter fertilizers for corn

When both products are applied together you would think that the yield increase would be the sum of the yield increases with the single products:

6.8 + 17.9 = 24.7 Bu/A.

But the actual increase was 29.9 Bu/A.

This is synergism where Pro-Germinator + Sure-K together produce a yield increase that is greater than the sum of the yield increases with the products applied alone.

For more information, contact:

Jerry Wilhm

Jerry Wilhm, PhD. | Agronomic Sciences

Research Lead
O: 989-227-3817
C: 989-640-3818

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