Uncategorized Archives - AgroLiquid https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/category/uncategorized/ AgroLiquid Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:47:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 Why is research important in making input decisions? https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/why-is-research-important-in-making-input-decisions/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:18:22 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=19409 You’ve been farming for awhile, and minus the years where the weather won’t cooperate, you know what you’re doing. Your crops are good, you’re getting good quantity and quality, and you’re able to make a profit. Does it make sense to keep researching, evaluating, and updating your input decisions? When the four-minute mile was broken […]

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You’ve been farming for awhile, and minus the years where the weather won’t cooperate, you know what you’re doing. Your crops are good, you’re getting good quantity and quality, and you’re able to make a profit. Does it make sense to keep researching, evaluating, and updating your input decisions?

When the four-minute mile was broken by Roger Bannister in 1954, people didn’t think anyone would ever be able to go faster, but his record was broken a month and a half later by John Landy. Earlier this year, Track and Field News announced it would no longer update the list of Americans to break four minutes, because there were already 63 men this year.

So the short answer is: yes. Research on crops never stops, and there are valid reasons for people to continue making our crops bigger, better, and more effective.

At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.

Tailoring solutions to change

Our fields are in a constant state of flux, influenced by weather, soil health, pests, and everything else in the environment. As crop varieties change and improve, our research lets us tailor fertilizer programs and formulations to address changing dynamics. As we test all over North America, this also helps develop solutions for their specific regional conditions. Whether adapting to different precipitation patterns or developing blends for new issues, continuous research helps us all stay ahead of the curve.

New challenges

New challenges constantly arise in agriculture, ranging from pest and disease resistance to shifts in market demands. Research on inputs plays a role in developing solutions to help growers successfully manage these challenges. By staying aware of scientific advancements, farmers can adopt fertilization strategies to mitigate risks.

Maximizing resource efficiency

Research lets us fine-tune crop nutrition to maximize nutrient uptake by crops. This improves the economics and also reduces the potential for nutrient runoff. By optimizing nutrient use, growers can achieve higher yields with fewer inputs. So yes, the research leads to doing more with less.

Sound science

Ongoing research provides growers with the latest insights, so they can make decisions based on sound scientific principles. Whether it’s choosing the most suitable nutrient blend for a specific crop or adopting precision agriculture techniques, the knowledge gained from continuous research lets people make choices that align with their economic goals.

Here are some examples of recent research:

Ten  Years of Permanent Plot Corn Research

The AgroLiquid crop nutrient program, as demonstrated through long-term research at the North Central Research Station, has proven to yield consistently higher results compared to conventional fertilizer programs in corn-soybean rotations. The longevity of this study is part of its value. AgroLiquid remains committed to trials throughout North America, as they allow researchers to make scientifically-based recommendations.

XtremeAg Trials

XtremeAg is very transparent with what they do on their farms, and will highlight products and practices that work – and not leave out the ones that don’t work. AgroLiquid has used this opportunity to test out-of-the-box ideas, push for high yields, and expand testing on crops we have little data on. This report contains all of the results for 2022 for each of the locations where testing was done.

Experimental Phosphorous Products in Corn

AgroLiquid is consistently looking for new opportunities to fill gaps in the fertilizer market. Phosphorus can be applied in many ways and is needed in both starter and slow-release forms. In this experiment, two experimental products: TDP-19 (a slow-release version) and UP-20 (a starter version), are tested against existing products, ProGerminator and springUP, to determine product efficacy differences.

Foliar Fertilizer Combinations in Soybeans

Potassium is one of the most important nutrients that can be supplied by foliar fertilizers. Phosphorus is another nutrient that may be beneficial when applied through foliar treatments. The objective of this trial was to evaluate combinations of fertiRain, Sure-K, and springuP applied at R2 growth stage of soybeans.

See all of our research.

AgroLiquid is your research partner

At AgroLiquid, our commitment to studying crops, optimizing fertilizer combinations, and conducting research makes sure growers receive tailored solutions for their specific conditions. We’re dedicated to this ongoing pursuit that helps farmers meet their goal for bigger and better yields, and greater profitability. Whether you’re running a (four-minute) race or you’re running a farm, it’s better to have the best research and training at your disposal.

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Slow release and fast results – Pro-Germinator https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/slow-release-and-fast-results-pro-germinator/ Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:51:24 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=19336 Even though we want everything to happen quickly, it doesn’t always work that way – and it’s not always the best. With fertilizer, it can lead to a waste of time and money. But what if you were able to tap into both the fast and slow? As we all know, crops need phosphorus to […]

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Pro Germinator

Even though we want everything to happen quickly, it doesn’t always work that way – and it’s not always the best. With fertilizer, it can lead to a waste of time and money. But what if you were able to tap into both the fast and slow?

As we all know, crops need phosphorus to grow well. But when we use phosphorus fertilizer, we have to be careful about tie up in the soil, which means the phosphorus can’t be easily used by the plants. In soil that’s more acidic, phosphorus can get stuck because of iron, aluminum, and manganese. In soil that’s more basic, calcium is what makes it difficult for plants to use the phosphorus.

But! Pro-Germinator avoids tie up in the soil.

Pro-Germinator is a mix of phosphate, nitrogen, potash, and iron which is used to help crops at their growth stages. The combination of quick-release phosphates with slow-release, carbon-protected, polymer phosphates, promotes growth early on, and then continues to support plants through their reproductive stages.

Avoid Tie Up

Pro-Germinator contains both ortho-phosphate and carbon-protected polymer phosphate to provide readily available and controlled-release phosphorus…but what does that mean for you? It means there is minimal danger of tie up in the soil. Pro-Germinator’s phosphates are protected by AgroLiquid’s proprietary nutrient technology, which means there’s nutrient extraction throughout the plant’s growth.

Low Risk of Tissue Damage

The risk of tissue damage can be a danger with some fertilizers, but Pro-Germinator protects crops by using a safe formulation that doesn’t cause plant tissue damage. As a result, it can be safely used at planting with little risk of seedling injury, making it a powerful part of a planter fertilizer program.


Not only can it be used as early as planting, but it can also be applied in a variety of ways. You can apply by broadcast, topdress, sidedress, as a foliar, or through fertigation. With this flexibility, you can reduce manpower and make fewer trips across the field.

These benefits make Pro-Germinator a valuable tool for growers looking to optimize crop growth, yield, and crop quality.


  • Stimulates early growth: Pro-Germinator promotes faster and earlier growth of crops, allowing them to quickly establish themselves.
  • Improves seed formation: It enhances the seed formation process, leading to even better-quality crops.
  • Balances nutrient supply: Pro-Germinator’s formula provides a well-balanced source of essential nutrients, including phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.
  • Reduces risk of leaf burn: Unlike some fertilizers that can harm early plants, Pro-Germinator has a gentler formula that minimizes the risk of leaf burn and seedling injury.
  • Is compatible with other products: Pro-Germinator can be easily mixed with crop protection products – nutrients, pesticides, fungicides* – which helps for application management.

We invite you to read our research:

Experimental Phosphorus on corn

Pro-Germinator saves application costs on potatoes

Evaluation of Pro-Germinator and spring-uP combinations in corn

Pro-Germinator vs grower standard

For more information, go here.


*Always follow label instructions and perform a jar test before mixing any fertilizers or crop protection products.

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Modern planters and nutrients: the perfect pairing? https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/modern-planters-and-nutrients-the-perfect-pairing/ Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:47:13 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=19321 Milk and cookies. Sun and moon. Bat and ball. There are just some things that are better as a pair – including modern planters and fertilizer. To deliver the best crop nutrition, you need the most precise equipment. Planters have changed even in just the past decade, as planters take advantage of new technology. First, […]

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A tractor parked next to an AgroLiquid delivery truck

Milk and cookies. Sun and moon. Bat and ball.

There are just some things that are better as a pair – including modern planters and fertilizer.

To deliver the best crop nutrition, you need the most precise equipment. Planters have changed even in just the past decade, as planters take advantage of new technology.

First, growers have to select the right fertilizer, so you can confidently select the right crop nutrition plan for your needs. Next, there’s upgrading your equipment. Using the equipment you already own, most equipment dealers will help customize and upgrade your liquid control and delivery system for optimum placement. With more control and efficiency available on your planter, you’ll soon be ready to start applying nutrients at-plant to maximize your investment.

Planter technology is paving the way for increased yields and sustainability. One of the innovations is using planter technology and precision liquid fertilizers in tandem. The result leads to better quality and quantity of crops.

Modern planter technology and AgroLiquid fertilizers work together to produce the best results:

Seed spacing: Today’s planters make sure there’s consistent seed spacing, so plants are not too crowded or too sparse. This avoids competition for resources like sunlight, water, and nutrients.

Seed depth control: Adjusting the depth at which seeds are planted is important. Planters let farmers control seed depth, so seeds are placed at an ideal depth for the best growth.

Variable rate planting: This adjusts the planting rate according to soil conditions and seed type, so different areas of the fields receive the right amount of seeds.

Real-time data: Planters come equipped with data collection systems that monitor planting speed, seed spacing, and soil conditions. This data lets farmers get insight to make informed decisions about planting strategies.

Overall, AgroLiquid fertilizers work with modern planters to produce a good, quality crop for a variety of reasons. AgroLiquid liquid fertilizers are designed to provide nutrients in a readily available form, so plants can take up essential nutrients more efficiently. AgroLiquid offers personalized fertilizer blends tailored to specific crop and soil needs, which means crops receive exactly what they need for the best growth. Plus,

In addition to applications in furrow and at planting, AgroLiquid fertilizers can be applied through various methods, including in-season soil applications, foliar spraying, and fertigation.

Working in tandem

When planter technology and AgroLiquid fertilizers are combined, the grower benefits.

  • Precision planting and nutrient placement

Modern planters help with accurate seed placement and, when used in conjunction with AgroLiquid fertilizers, precise nutrient placement. This means that seeds and nutrients are placed in close proximity, allowing for the best nutrient uptake from the moment of planting.

  • Nutrient optimization

AgroLiquid’s customized fertilizer blends are tailored to match each crop’s specific nutrient requirements. The close proximity of seeds and nutrients allows for more efficient nutrient absorption, reducing competition among plants and maximizing growth potential.

  • Informed decision-making

Advanced planter technology provides real-time data on planting conditions. This data helps farmers to make informed decisions for better results.

  • Precision

Combining precision planting with liquid fertilizers results helps reduce waste and improve nutrient use efficiency.

With the planter technology of today, combined with the best fertilizers, seeds get the best start – planted exactly right for the soil, at the right amount and depth, with the correct nutrients. By using this pair that fits together – planters and fertilizer – you’ll get your crop off to the best start, setting the stage for the highest possible yield and maximum profitability.

Contact your AgroLiquid retail partner to see if we can help you equip your planter with liquid fertilizer application.

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Unlocking potential with foliar potassium https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/unlocking-potential-with-foliar-potassium/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 19:20:34 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=19166 Potassium is an essential nutrient for plants, playing a critical role in their growth and development. While traditional soil application methods have long been used to supply potassium to crops, foliar application of potassium has gained increasing recognition for its numerous benefits. Foliar potassium offers a direct and efficient way to deliver this nutrient to […]

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Almond fields

Potassium is an essential nutrient for plants, playing a critical role in their growth and development. While traditional soil application methods have long been used to supply potassium to crops, foliar application of potassium has gained increasing recognition for its numerous benefits.

Foliar potassium offers a direct and efficient way to deliver this nutrient to plants, bypassing soil limitations and helping with absorption. Producers can unlock a range of advantages that positively impact crop health, yield, and overall productivity.

Let’s explore the key benefits of potassium on crops through AgroLiquid products.


Kalibrate is designed to optimize potassium nutrition in crops, leading to improved plant health, yield, and quality. It is best for soil-applied potassium, using application technologies such as Y-Drop, drip tape, or microjet irrigation, or a 2×2 planter system without risk of crop injury.

  • It helps improve overall plant vigor, root development, and stress tolerance.
  • It’s compatible with other products, allowing for easy integration into existing farming practices.
  • Kalibrate minimizes nutrient losses and reduces overall fertilizer usage.
  • It’s suitable to use in a wide range of crops, including field crops, fruits, vegetables, and specialty crops.

Also, since Kalibrate resists freezing, it’s ideal for farmers looking for early-season delivery of corn, sugar beets, soybeans, or wheat.

Kapitalize Foliar Potassium

Kapitalize is fast-acting potassium fertilizer with added sulfur and calcium. This product is compatible with various application methods, including foliar application, fertigation, and soil application.

Calcium is highly reactive, and tank mixing conventional calcium products can be troublesome. Kapitalize has been formulated to be combined and immediately applied with other AgroLiquid products, including our phosphorus products.

  • Kapitalize utilizes advanced formulation techniques to provide highly available and efficient potassium nutrition to plants.
  • Kapitalize helps plants withstand stress, such as drought, heat, and disease, by improving their resilience and defense mechanisms.
  • It promotes optimal plant growth, root development, and nutrient uptake.
  • The product supports balanced nutrient uptake and utilization, promoting overall plant vitality and crop quality.

Insufficient calcium levels can lead to diminished seed, fruit, tuber, and cruciferous vegetable size and quality, which is why it’s important in crops such as cotton, soybeans, citrus, sugarcane, and annual vegetables. By applying Kapitalize at critical stages, farmers can enhance both yield and quality. Plus, it supports disease and pest resistance, as well as drought resilience.


Sure-K is a product designed to optimize plant nutrition during reproductive stages. The unique formulation allows for increased nutrient use at lower concentrations, delivering superior or comparable results compared to standard potassium fertilizers, while minimizing the amount used. Sure-K stands out by not containing chlorides or hydroxides, ensuring long-term soil health preservation.

  • It is formulated to provide crops with a consistent and readily available source of potassium.
  • Sure-K can be applied through various methods, like foliar application, so there are fewer trips across the field.
  • It contributes to stress tolerance in crops, helping them withstand adverse environmental conditions.
  • Sure-K is designed to be compatible with other products, allowing for convenient integration into existing farming practices.

AgroLiquid foliar potassium products offer a range of benefits. These products help enhance nutrient uptake, improve crop yield and quality, boost stress tolerance, and maintain nutrient balance. Overall, they optimize plant nutrition and promote healthy plant growth. They also contribute to sustainability by minimizing nutrient loss. Producers can effectively leverage these foliar potassium products to maximize the potential of their crops. Contact your AgroLiquid representative to find out which of these potassium products will best suit your crop and goals.

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LiberateCa and Soybeans: What can calcium do for yields? https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/liberateca-and-soybeans-what-can-calcium-do-for-yields/ Mon, 01 May 2023 14:52:48 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=19015 AgroLiquid’s LiberateCa® is a liquid fertilizer designed to prevent or correct calcium deficiency for all types of crops, in many different soil types. On XtremeAg: Cutting the Curve Podcast, host Damian Mason spoke with XtremeAg founding member Kelly Garrett and AgroLiquid sales account manager Aarron Stahl about their experience with LiberateCa. This season, AgroLiquid and […]

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AgroLiquid’s LiberateCa® is a liquid fertilizer designed to prevent or correct calcium deficiency for all types of crops, in many different soil types.

On XtremeAg: Cutting the Curve Podcast, host Damian Mason spoke with XtremeAg founding member Kelly Garrett and AgroLiquid sales account manager Aarron Stahl about their experience with LiberateCa.

This season, AgroLiquid and Kelly Garrett are conducting research in 40-acre test plots, in different soil types.

Part of the impetus for this research was that Garrett was dealing with insoluble calcium issues, which were a limiting growth factor.

Calcium bully
“In our soils, calcium can be the most prevalent nutrient, and it has double positive charge. It’s a bully in the soil, because it ties up all the other nutrients, because it’s trying to get neutral,” Garrett said. “It’s my biggest limiting factor.”

After tissue sampling, Garrett was surprised to learn that even though he had prevalent calcium in the soil, he was still calcium-deficient, since it was insoluble.

Garrett shared a very personal account of where AgroLiquid LiberateCa made a difference for his crop.

In 2017, Garrett was growing soybeans, and he had 110,000 stand count with an average of 162 pods on every plant. A bad storm came in, the soybeans laid down, and they aborted half the pods. When they stood back up, they had 80 only pods, and they made 88 bushel.

“It was devastating to me,” Garrett said. “I thought here I was going to have way over 100 bushel beans…I had it, but we couldn’t harvest it, so it doesn’t count.”

He then tried to plant early soybeans under irrigation, and he thought he had 100 bushel again, but only got 80. The problem was that the branches got so heavy they couldn’t support themselves, and they laid down.

“We put LiberateCa into our program, and we ran a trial…just touching the plants and pushing on the branches, the skeletal strength was remarkable,” Garrett said. “The different was remarkable, and it’s a grower standard practice now.”

During the trials, along with using LiberateCa, they are going to aim to finish out the later pods, push nitrogen and Sure-K, and work with the vascular system to translocate nutrients.

LiberateCa is the backbone that allows the other nutrients to spread across the plant and supports a better harvest.

Other benefits include:
• Correcting or preventing calcium deficiency, stunted growth, and reduced yields
• Promoting strong plant cell growth
• Improving resistance to stress, drought, and disease
• Balancing soil salinity
• Improving water penetration through soil
• Easily apply at planting or throughout the growing season
• Easily apply with other nutrients

Overall, it has an average ROI of $31.36/A.

Real-world application
Calcium is a valuable tool for growers to maximize the health and productivity of their crops. Like Kelly Garrett saw on his fields, even though the soil has calcium, it isn’t always readily available. With LiberateCa™, you can make the most of your resources.

Talk to your AgroLiquid representative about LiberateCa™ to see how you can increase your yields.

The post LiberateCa and Soybeans: What can calcium do for yields? appeared first on AgroLiquid.

LiberateCa – Get Your Calcium https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/liberateca-get-your-calcium/ Tue, 07 Mar 2023 14:03:49 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=18896 Harvesting crops can be one of the most rewarding parts of farming. The care producers take with the preparation, the planting, the fertilizing, and all the aspects of the season is of the utmost importance. No nutrient can be overlooked…including calcium. AgroLiquid would like to introduce you to – or reintroduce you! – LiberateCa®. LiberateCa […]

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Drone point of view of a tractor spraying foliar fertilizer on a soybean field. This is a good way to prevent or correct calcium deficiency.

Harvesting crops can be one of the most rewarding parts of farming. The care producers take with the preparation, the planting, the fertilizing, and all the aspects of the season is of the utmost importance. No nutrient can be overlooked…including calcium.

AgroLiquid would like to introduce you to – or reintroduce you! – LiberateCa®.

LiberateCa is a liquid fertilizer designed to easily prevent or correct calcium deficiency for all types of crops. LiberateCa is so versatile, it makes it easy to prevent or correct calcium deficiencies.

Of course, all plants need calcium to build cell walls and reach their growth potential. To help with this, LiberateCa uses Nutriq Technology to deliver calcium right to the plant roots, or as a foliar. In fact, LiberateCa offers unmatched applications flexibility, from in-furrow or banded at planting, or applied through irrigation.

Want the exact science of it? The plant-based polymer chains protecting the calcium prevent it from reacting with phosphorus and other nutrients, so it remains usable to plants. This also makes it compatible with other nutrients*, so it can be applied without an extra trip. As a result, producers can save on fuel and soil compaction.

Producers aren’t just planning for one year. They’re planning for generations. Happily, a healthy level of calcium in the soil improves soil quality and longevity for many seasons.

In the soil, calcium indirectly influences yield by reducing soil acidity — lowering solubility and toxicity of manganese, copper, and aluminum. It also indirectly helps by improving root growth conditions, molybdenum availability, and uptake of other nutrients. In the plant, it improves fruit quality by strengthening cell walls, reducing bruising in shipping, and increasing storage life. Calcium is most readily available in soils with a pH of 7.0 – 8.5.

As you may already know, phosphorus and calcium typically don’t mix. However, LiberateCa is designed to be combined with other products – even phosphorus*.

LiberateCa is compatible with most other AgroLiquid fertilizer products, including Pro-Germinator, providing application flexibility and options not possible when using other calcium products.

It can also be used on a variety of crops in a variety of timings. You can use it to:
• use in-furrow as part of a row starter package for row crops
• promote firmness of fruit in horticultural applications
• decrease the potential for blossom end rot in tomato production.

Not only does LiberateCa prevent calcium deficiency, but it can also correct it as it’s happening. If calcium can’t reach the new cells of a plant, it will lead to symptoms like tip burns or blossom rot.

With LiberateCa, it’s not too late. Detecting calcium deficiencies with a soil test and solving this problem early on will help to ensure healthy growth and high yields.

LiberateCa has many benefits, including it:

• Promotes strong plant cell growth
• Improves resistance to stress, drought, and disease
• Easy to apply at planting or throughout the growing season
• Easy to apply with other nutrients
• Improves microbial activity in the root zone
• Helps improve the effectiveness of rhizobia that are beneficial in providing nitrogen to legumes

As producers get ready for the season, it’s time to think about getting the right amount of fertilizer for your crops. The better prepared everyone is now, the better harvest we’ll all have. Just follow the age-old adage…you better get your calcium.

See the research on soybeans.

On apples and pears.

As an additive on corn.

*Always follow label instructions and perform a jar test before tank mixing and crop nutrition and/or crop protection products.

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How to Safely Mix Fertilizers https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/can-i-mix/ Sat, 25 Feb 2023 15:40:15 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=15328 The post How to Safely Mix Fertilizers appeared first on AgroLiquid.


By: AgroLiquid Research and Development Team

mixing fertilizer in lab“Can I mix fertilizer A with fertilizer B?” This is a big deal in agriculture. We know we need to make hay while the sun shines and when it’s time to go — it’s time to roll! No one wants to be slowed down because a bad mix has gummed up the works. So how can you safely mixer fertilizers together?

We’ve updated this blog post in 2023 to give you even more information about how to safely mix fertilizers. Remember that mixing fertilizers can be dangerous! Always consult with an expert before mixing any chemicals.

How to Safely Mix Fertilizers

Not all fertilizers can mix together safely. It’s important to check labels and test properly to make sure you can safely mix fertilizers before using them on your crops.

Talk with our professional agronomists to learn more about mixing fertilizers safely 

AgroLiquid spends a lot of time making sure the products we call compatible won’t cause problems or slow downs. But, before we delve into this topic, let’s set some ground rules on what can be described as “compatible:”

  • It mixes into either a clear solution with no solid fallout (ideal) or a suspension where the suspended material can stay suspended for longer than a few days. If the suspendant falls out of solution, it can be easily agitated back into suspension.
  • When mixed, it does not produce any gas such as ammonia or carbon dioxide. Off-gassing like this changes the materials in the mix, and not usually in a good way.
  • When mixed, the solution doesn’t get very hot. This can be dangerous!
  • When mixed, it does not produce a fallout of solids. This could drastically change the analysis of the remaining solution.
  • It can be used in farming equipment without plugging filters, screens, or nozzles.

How to AgroLiquid Fertilizers Mix Safely?

One reason for our superior compatibility is due to our Nutriq Technology. This proprietary technology acts as a chelant or encapsulation agent, and keeps the different compounds in solution from reacting with each other, resulting in an inert mix. This may not be the case with products that use acetates, citrates, or amino acids as their chelating agents.

Another reason is the fact that most of our products have fairly neutral pH. Attempting to mix products that are alkaline may result in either the production of gasses, heat, and/or significant fallout. Care must also be taken with acidic products, especially when being mixed with alkaline products.

Test Before Mixing

To help prevent unnecessary headaches, always perform a jar test. We cannot stress this enough! This is especially
true when adding agrochemicals; there are many off-brands that use different additives and carriers that can cause
adverse reactions. Remember: there is always a chemical reaction when you do a jar test, so proceed with care!

If a fertilizer product (AgroLiquid or otherwise) is to be used in fertigation, we also suggest that growers submit
water samples to an accredited lab for analysis, specifically for pH, hardness, and bicarbonate. Most alkaline or hard
irrigation water will cause fertilizer products to react and gradually create a buildup of fallout in lines and emittors.
This can be solved by neutralizing your water with a sulfuric or carboxylic acid injection system.

If you still have questions, such as “can I mix fertilizer A with fertilizer B?”, do not hesitate to contact your AgroLiquid representative. We are here to support you and your operation.

The post How to Safely Mix Fertilizers appeared first on AgroLiquid.

Preventing Damage from Sodium in Crops https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/preventing-damage-from-sodium-starts-now/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 16:49:45 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=15854 By Abe Isaak, Agronomist Every year, from the beginning of almond harvest through post-harvest applications, the signs of damage from sodium in crops is evident in many orchards; leaf edges showing burn, leaf drop and even serious defoliation. This damage has a direct affect on yield for the following crop year. The tree will show […]

The post Preventing Damage from Sodium in Crops appeared first on AgroLiquid.

By Abe Isaak, Agronomist

Every year, from the beginning of almond harvest through post-harvest applications, the signs of damage from sodium in crops is evident in many orchards; leaf edges showing burn, leaf drop and even serious defoliation. This damage has a direct affect on yield for the following crop year. The tree will show indications of damage earlier in the spring in the subsequent year, but you need to begin mediating the symptoms of sodium damage before you see these signs. Once the damage becomes visible, you are on the defensive and there are less options at your disposal. We’ve updated this blog post in 2023 to give you additional information.

Risk and Mitigation of Damage from Sodium in Crops

With little rainfall this winter, the soil has had little opportunity to leach out sodium with clean rain water and we haven’t gotten the deep moisture in the soil that the plant needs. This means the top foot of soil has a higher concentration of sodium. The risk of sodium burn begins when the weather turns hot, usually in May, and worsens as the summer months usher in 100+° temperatures in the central valley. Plants will go into stress starting at 85 degrees.

Calcium and Sodium Damage in Crops

Calcium is often applied to the soil in either the form of gypsum or lime in an effort to improve soil structure and improve water and air movement. Also, discuss your soil analysis with a trusted advisor to determine the rate and product you should use to amend the soil. This effort to improve water  movement in the soil can, in part, help reduce the sodium concentration in the top layer of soil, as this nutrient is easily leached from the root zone. Many growers stop here and hope this is enough to stop sodium damage to the plant. This can be a good start, but many times it isn’t enough. Calcium is a tool in the toolbox but it isn’t the total answer by itself. There is more than can be done.

Potassium and Sodium Damage

Potassium (K) is vital for many processes in the plant. It regulates the stomata opening and closing, and plant respiration. These processes help regulate temperature. As the weather gets warmer, the plant will pull potassium from the soil. The problem is that sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties. Because it is generally more available for the plant to use, sodium will be taken into the plant before the needed potassium. Chloride presents a similar problem, and it will also be grabbed from the soil, as well.

The result of this nutrient competition is that within a few days of sodium and/or chloride uptake, the plant will start to lose its vigor, the leaves will start to droop and show signs of wilt. If left unchecked, the edge of the leaves will show signs of burn. Severe cases will experience defoliation.

How Does Potassium Win?

Obviously, we want the plant to take up potassium instead. Using a soluble form of potassium is very important to ensuring uptake, as is soil application of the potassium fertilizer. However, many times central California soils have a high pH and that limits the availability of potassium to the plant.

Another way to improve potassium levels in the plant is with foliar applications. Ideally, this begins in the fall with a good post-harvest application, followed by several more during the spring. Early season applications should begin at bloom and can be added to passes you make through the field for other applications such as fungicides and pesticides (always follow label instructions and perform a jar test when applying any agricultural input product).

Know Your Needs

How do you know if you need to add potassium to your crop nutrition program and how much should you apply? This is where tissue testing is very important. Review your previous years’ tissue samples to help recognize any trends. This spring, when the leaves are fully developed, take a tissue test and check your numbers. Ideally 2.8% to 3.1% is where that number should be to help deal with sodium in the plant and to provide for crop needs. A good rule of thumb is to have potassium at 80% of nitrogen. As an example, if nitrogen is at 3.5%, you want potassium at 2.8%. A hungry plant will not care what it drinks to meet its need; a plant that is not starving will be much more selective in what it takes in.

One key point to remember: tissue tests tell us where we have been with our nutrition programs, not necessarily where we are going. If your results come back and things look good and the numbers are where you want them to be, don’t let up. Stay on top of this potential problem.

If you have any questions about tissue testing or developing a crop nutrition program for your operation, contact your AgroLiquid representative or visit us at agroliquid.com.

The post Preventing Damage from Sodium in Crops appeared first on AgroLiquid.

What are the top benefits of in-furrow starter fertilizer? https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/what-are-the-top-benefits-of-in-furrow-starter-fertilizer/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 15:26:13 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=18806 Crop producers are always trying to do more with less, get the best economic return, and increase yields. Since there are so many methods and so many ways of experimenting, it’s always an ongoing process. In an effort to take as much guesswork as possible out of the equation, AgroLiquid has been working with in-furrow […]

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A tractor parked next to an AgroLiquid delivery truck

Crop producers are always trying to do more with less, get the best economic return, and increase yields. Since there are so many methods and so many ways of experimenting, it’s always an ongoing process.

In an effort to take as much guesswork as possible out of the equation, AgroLiquid has been working with in-furrow applications of starter fertilizer to determine the top benefits.

Top benefits of in-furrow starter fertilizer:

1. Nourish plants and restore soil

In-furrow application with AgroLiquid’s slow release fertilizer allows you to nourish your plans and restore your soil – with minimal risk of over-salinization or seed injury.
As a result, your seedlings will be supported by essential macronutrients, micronutrients, and biologicals needed for the strong growth that needs to happen when they plants are just getting started.

2. Reduce fertilizer run-off

When using a planter, it is possible that in-furrow nutrients can become tied up in the soil when they combine with soil ions. As a result, the plants don’t have access to them during important developmental stages. However, our liquid fertilizers are designed to keep the nutrients where they need to be, at all stages of growth.

3. Keep nutrients closer to the roots

With AgroLiquid, the Nutriq Technology provides a slow release, allowing the plant roots to abserb the nutrients slowly, which means they get them during the entire growth cycle. As an added benefit, the slow release prevents seed injury and leaf burn.

Nutriq Technology

What exactly is Nutriq Technology, and how does it help plants? Our Nutriq Technology is based on specially-formulated plant-based chelates, and it is the key ingredient in our high-efficiency fertilizers.

Chelates protect nutrient atoms like potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and others in a polymer shell. Since the chelant is plant-derived, the crop recognizes the material and utilizes it. Plants are able to naturally deconstruct this shell. The chelated nutrient fertilizers are protected from bonding with ions in the soil, which makes them unusable to plants, but the plants can still break down the plant-derived polymer shell to get to the nutrients inside.

Since the chelated micronutrients and macronutrients break down over time, they’re available to use over a longer period. This means more nutrients for plants and fewer trips for farmers.

AgroLiquid Products

We have products specifically designed to works as in-furrow starter fertilizers. For instance, check out:


Pro-Germinator uses a blend of phosphate, nitrogen, potash, and iron to maximize crop response at critical growth stages. The combination of quick-release phosphates with slow-release, carbon-protected, polymer phosphates promotes exceptional growth early on.


Kalibrate can be used in virtually any cropping situation where potassium is recommended. Kalibrate provides slow-release nutrient delivery, and its formulation allows the nutrients to go back into the solution if the product freezes, which makes it ideal for early-season, cold temperatures.

Micro 500

Micro 500 contains the essential micronutrients zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron. Like many of our liquid fertilizer products, Micro 500 is designed to be easily applied. Years of research have proved that Micro 500 supports higher yields.

microLink Manganese

microLink Manganese works with other nutrients to improve total intake and use. The addition of manganese also helps plants make in additional phosphorus and calcium, which speeds up germination.

You only have one chance a year to get it right – so don’t do all the experimenting yourself. Take advantage of AgroLiquid’s research and products for the most-researched, best start to your crops.

Additional resources:

Nutriq Technology

Micronutrient Replacement

Economic Benefits of Starter Fertilizer

The post What are the top benefits of in-furrow starter fertilizer? appeared first on AgroLiquid.

Fall Soil Testing https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/fall-soil-testing/ Wed, 23 Nov 2022 20:35:43 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=18746 It’s fall time. That means you’re likely thinking about cooler weather, the changing colors, falling leaves and… collecting a soil test. While it may not be top of mind amidst the swarm of pumpkin spice, fall is an ideal time to test your soil’s nutrient contents. Don’t wait until the rush of spring planting to […]

The post Fall Soil Testing appeared first on AgroLiquid.

It’s fall time. That means you’re likely thinking about cooler weather, the changing colors, falling leaves and… collecting a soil test.

While it may not be top of mind amidst the swarm of pumpkin spice, fall is an ideal time to test your soil’s nutrient contents. Don’t wait until the rush of spring planting to determine what nutritional components are missing or in the improper balance. Having a crop nutrition plan in place can help set the stage for the best yield ever in 2023.

Collecting a Soil Sample

Collecting a fall soil test

Gathering samples for soil testing isn’t complicated but needs to be done with attention. It is important to ensure your soil test is an accurate representation of your entire field. When collecting soil follow these simple steps to get the best ROI and most accurate results.

  1. Pull samples in a zig-zag or grid pattern through the middle of the area.
  2. Pull separate soil samples for areas that show crop damage, different soil types, or different water absorption patterns. Each composite sample should not represent an area larger than 20 acres.
  3. Place the soil collected in a clean plastic bucket. Metal buckets or buckets used for other purposes can corrupt the sample.
  4. Send the soil samples to the lab using a testing bag. And be sure to include a completed submission form with your sample!
  5. Work with an agronomist to evaluate your results.


Reading and Interpreting Results

At first glance, a soil test report can look as daunting as the line at the store the day after Thanksgiving. However, when you break down each component, you can start to see the full picture of the condition of your soil. Organic matter percent, cation exchange capacity, pH and base saturation percent should all be included in your results and are key factors in understanding the chemical and physical characteristics of a soil. But, what do you do with all those numbers?

By looking at your soil’s percent organic matter, you can gauge the overall health of your soil and gain a rough estimate of naturally occurring nutrient release, like nitrogen, throughout the growing season.

The cation exchange capacity (CEC) denotes the nutrient-holding capacity of your soil. Understanding your soil’s CEC will give you an indication of when some nutrients should be applied. If CEC is low, it will not hold nutrients that easily leach like nitrogen and sulfur. In this case, you would want to wait until spring to apply fertilizers so they are more readily available to your crops.

You’re likely already aware that pH measures your soil’s acidity. By understanding your soil pH you can better gauge how available or unavailable some essential nutrients are to the crops you grow. If your soil pH is off you run into a lot of nutrient availability issues. Ultimately, lowering your crop’s yield potential. To determine an ideal pH range for your field you need to evaluate your crop selection. For instance, corn requires a lower pH for ideal nutrient availability than soybeans.

The relationship in your soil between calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), hydrogen (H) and sodium (Na) is measured by the base saturation percentage. Base saturation is a balance between nutrients and is an important indicator of availability. If one nutrient is in access then it can create a tie-up of another, making them unavailable for uptake by the plant. How these nutrients align with one another can affect the soils physical and chemical properties, nutrient interactions, and the success of your crop next season.

Once you’ve determined the opportunities and limitations of your soil you can work with an AgroLiquid agronomist to set yield goals and take a deeper look into the individual nutrient levels and requirements to develop a fertility program.

Collecting a soil test is a good investment any time of year. However, sampling in the fall can give you a leg up on preparations for next season. Knowing your soils nutrient levels before the cold weather sets in gives you the time to put on a fall soil amendment and plan your spring fertilizer application ahead of time. Get a jump now to create the best soil conditions for planting in the spring by collecting a fall soil test.

The post Fall Soil Testing appeared first on AgroLiquid.
