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The only consistency working in the agriculture industry is that every year is different. Looking toward the 2022 growing season this is already becoming apparent. Weather, commodity prices, input costs are all highly variable and mostly out of our control. However, there are some things we can control in managing a crop to reach the best yield potential while keeping economics in mind. Soil testing continues to be one of the most important tools a grower can use to help manage their crop fertility program. Although it is not simply just taking the soil test, but also understanding the results and knowing how to use them. The team at AgroLiquid can help growers understand soil test reports and walk through key areas where fertilizer dollars should be focused to balance yield and economics. This knowledge of soil fertility is backed by years of research from our North Central Research Station along with numerous field trials from across the country. Data is compiled to develop a win-rate, where measurements of both wins and losses are used to determine the likelihood of achieving a positive response from a fertility program. Then economics can be applied to help growers recognize the return a fertilizer investment has on profitability.

Cut With a Scalpel – Not A Machete


As input prices increase, the reaction often times is to cut out micro and secondary nutrients. However, these play a big part in yield so it is best not to cut completely. Sulfur is critical for corn production, as we have lost the “free sulfur” from the environment, adding to a fertility program is important. AgroLiquid had two sulfur products accesS® and eNhance™. AccesS is a 17% sulfur with micronutrients that should not be applied in-furrow, but can be applied away from the seed at planting, in strip-till, Y-Drop or sidedress. Win-rate analysis shows that over 96% of the time you will get a positive economic response for applications on corn with an average yield increase of around 8 bu/A. Another sulfur option is eNhance, an 8.7% sulfur with micronutrients, which is safe for in-furrow applications. Data shows that an average yield response from 2 qt of eNhance applied in-furrow on corn provides a 7.7 bu/A and an economic return 94.1% of the time.


Calcium plays a key role in plant health and is especially important for soybean growth and development. There are many soils across the country that are low in calcium and soil amendments are the best way to address this. However, the addition of calcium in a fertility program will provide the necessary nutrients for the crop. LiberateCa is a seed safe calcium source, which can be safely mixed and applied with other AgroLiquid products. This allows a single product to be applied at planting. Win-rate analysis of adding LiberateCa to a soybean planter fertilizer program has shown over a 3 bu/A yield increase with a positive economic return nearly 92% of the time.


With the push for higher yields, the benefit of micronutrients has become more apparent. However, many times the focus is on a single nutrient like zinc or boron. AgroLiquid’s Micro 500 is a specialized blend of five essential micronutrients: zinc, manganese, iron, copper and boron. Review of a soil test will help determine which micronutrients are low, but often the combination of these five micros will provide better yield response than just focusing on one nutrient. This is because they work better as a team and help improve the overall plant health. Micro 500 is a great product for any crop and can safely be applied at planting, foliar or any in-season application. When applied in-furrow on corn, average yield increase has been nearly 8 bu/A with an economic return 94.7% of the time. Applied to soybeans at planting, Micro 500 achieved 3.6 bu/A average yield increase with a positive return seen every time in this data set.

Balance Yield and Economics

Soil testing continues to be one of the most important tools a grower can use to help manage their crop fertility program.

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What’s the Difference? https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/whats-the-difference/ Mon, 11 Jan 2021 19:31:38 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=15571 The post What’s the Difference? appeared first on AgroLiquid.


There are lots of choices out there when it comes to selecting crop nutrition products. What makes AgroLiquid any different? It comes down to what we have been doing for more than 35 years: providing a complete line of effective crop nutrients, and offering highly trained staff and Retail Partners to provide sound recommendations based on a soil test, agronomics and crop goals.

A Good Foundation

There are many factors to consider when structuring a nutrient management plan. First, it’s less about what you put in the products, than what you don’t put in the products. The foundation of a good fertilizer is using raw materials that don’t contain things that are harmful to plants. AgroLiquid uses the highest quality raw materials and puts them together in a clean formulation that is safe for the plant. We eliminate harmful bi-products that can cause crop injury and use proprietary formulation technology that improves uptake and utilization of our products within the plant. Those things together create high quality, efficient fertilizer products.


Another important consideration in choosing fertilizer is compatibility. Regardless of the reason, taking extra passes over the field to apply fertilizer is not an efficient use of resources. AgroLiquid products can be effectively applied at planting, side-dress, or foliar– when a pass will be taken over the field, anyway. In fact, AgroLiquid’s seed-safe formulations and chelation technology are representative of our commitment to generating the maximum crop response from applications of fertilizer. In addition, AgroLiquid has unmatched compatibility with most crop protection products and the full range of other AgroLiquid nutrients.

Focus on Research

Intensive research, development and product testing have resulted in a full range of nutrient products that don’t solely focus on N-P-K. As AgroLiquid Chief Executive Officer, Nick Bancroft, says, “we use nutrients to make nutrients better.” He gives the example of a phosphorous product, “It should not only contain phosphorous, it should contain nitrogen, it should contain potassium, and it should contain micronutrients.” Bancroft explains those nutrients work in harmony with phosphorous in the processes that phosphorous affect in the plant to make uptake, translocation, and utilization in the plant more efficient. This equates to more plant growth with less applied fertilizer. AgroLiquid employs this philosophy in products such as Pro-Germinator®, which uses a blend of phosphate, nitrogen, potash, and iron to maximize crop response at critical growth stages.

Find an Expert

If you are a producer facing the prospect of investing significantly in crop nutrition, it can be uncomfortable leaving a recommendation to someone’s good judgement. How do you know if that ‘someone’ knows what they are talking about as it relates to crop nutrition and your farm? That’s why it is important to work with people who are committed to crop nutrition. Backed by years of research, AgroLiquid’s highly trained sales and agronomy team is skilled at helping growers make these management decisions. Beyond that, AgroLiquid partners with ag retailers who are dedicated to helping growers develop efficient and economical crop nutrition plans.

AgroLiquid is successful when our customers are profitable. We work tirelessly on all of these factors and more to be the best at this variable. Regardless of the changes in markets and economics of our producers, we are on the same ride, so we better strive to be the best at what we do. We approach our customers with long-term success in mind.

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Expect the Unexpected https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/expect-the-unexpected/ Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:20:32 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=15327 The post Expect the Unexpected appeared first on AgroLiquid.


By: Galynn Beer, National Sales Manager

In agriculture, we are used to dealing with uncertainty. Weather, markets, the level of uncertainty
that exists in our geography, all are factors in making crop input decisions. Trade wars and
tariffs, along with Market Facilitation Programs (MFPs), have been harder to predict and factor
into decisions and has caused some frustration. But we’ve persevered.

Agriculture Presses On

While much of the country, and world for that matter, ground to a halt as a result of COVID 19, agriculture presses on. Farmers continue to quarantine themselves in their tractors and isolate themselves in fields. The one thing to
remember is that COVID 19 is not transmitted through the phone while sound advice can be. Technology provides us a mode of communication that delivers access to resources of expertise and inputs.

The Weight of Uncertainty

With all of the financial news being reported, a great deal of uncertainty exists. This can cause farmers to go in to survival mode and want to scale back input costs to a minimum. Emotionally charged decisions may override rational business decisions. AgroLiquid has personnel that ranks at the top of the industry when it comes to
making recommendations and matching fertilizer needs to expectations and economic conditions. While there won’t
be room for frivolous spending, a nitrogen only program—which I would consider a survival decision—won’t be the answer either. AgroLiquid aims to add value through guidance from trusted advisors. Someone who is a step removed from the weight of uncertainty can provide insights to help fight off the risk-averse tendencies that creep in with unanticipated risk. The AgroLiquid team can help in a couple of ways:
1) we have a culture of constant improvement to elevate our skills for times like this and
2) we want the farmer to be able to emerge from the uncertainty as an entity that will be on-going… surviving and producing profits for years to come.

As a result, it is in our best interest to make fertilizer recommendations that are in the grower’s best interest. We are
used to balancing the expense of crop nutrition with expected revenue, which accounts for current risk.

Evaluating Risk

In times like this, normal risk-takers can turn very conservative. And it is a sound practice to evaluate levels of risk. But as unexpected as this virus and all of the negativity has been, there are often surprise glimmers of opportunity. I’m sure the toilet paper industry never forecasted the demand they are experiencing! Many businesses have been affected. Virtually every aspect of the economy that generates tax revenue for local governments are going to take a serious hit. We’ve seen the Fed set a target Fed Funds rate of 0% in order to make risk-taking less costly. The potential exists for us to see significant spend packages to jump start the economy once the impact of the virus has subsided. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some quantitative easing as we did after the housing bubble burst, which is just the Fed buying back longer term securities to hold on their balance sheet and replaces those securities with cash in the economy to be spent. These actions could devalue the dollar, which then can prop up commodity prices and
make our agricultural products more affordable for countries like China. If indeed we see a bump in prices, it will likely be delayed; in other words we’ll have to wait and deal with added uncertainty in the interim. But if a producer faced with difficult decisions cuts too many corners, and then commodities rally to better levels, there won’t be the optimum production to capitalize on the opportunity.

The Path Forward

You’ve heard it before, but we are in unprecedented territory. While quantitative easing could help lower the value of the dollar, currency is still comparative. This means if other currencies don’t come up compared to the USD, then there won’t be much of a benefit. Also, demand will matter and it is difficult (impossible) to know what the consequences of most of the world hiding in their houses will do to demand for commodity products, even once recovery starts. A case can be made for a rally at some point in the future, but it’s hard to predict to what levels we could expect if it does. However, a scenario does exist that a rally could occur that is hard to imagine today. Rational thinking that can weigh the potential for an upside can be an offsetting entry for the brain to balance the thoughts that it will be a long free fall; it might not be.

Your AgroLiquid Team

Agriculture is generally counter-cyclical to the rest of the economy. Agriculture often benefits from the government
spending our way out of a recession. So, as you manage through this season, make sure that the irrational behavior
that is occurring around you doesn’t lead to a bunch of ill-advised decisions. More surprises may be lurking, but we
will emerge. Outside guidance on crop nutrition from the AgroLiquid team can help buffer emotions as the growing
season is thrust upon us. AgroLiquid can add value that extends beyond the nutrients we manufacture. Incorporate outside opinions from a variety of experts to make rational, business decisions in an environment that is loaded with emotion.

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Get More With Less https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/get-more-with-less/ Mon, 13 Jul 2020 16:18:19 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=15325 The post Get More With Less appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Almond trial shows using less fertilizer compared to conventional treatments achieves equal to better results

Understanding Soil Quality

Almond acres have been steadily growing in California since the 1980s, and the crop is now California’s number one exported agricultural commodity. With over 2.4 million acres of trees planted, California grows over 85% of the world’s almonds. Virtually all commercially harvested almonds produced in the U.S. come from California. Most of that is due to the climate: warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters are key to setting the tree up for success. But we know it takes more than a temperate climate to maximize a crop’s potential. AgroLiquid crop nutrition can be a
valuable tool in producing an abundant and quality almond crop. In an effort to determine the best sources, rates, timings and methods of application for this important crop, for the past two years, AgroLiquid has invested in and run a full-scale research trial in almonds in California.

AgroLiquid has long believed in proving our technology through rigorous research and field testing. In western soils, we are looking at our technology performance compared to conventional fertilizer sources. Almonds are the perfect crop to test our Nutriq Technology, given how much potassium is needed to produce a crop. AgroLiquid’s proprietary technology allows us to chelate/encapsulate nutrients within the sweet spot – not too loose, but not too tight. Our two year almond research trial has been conducted by Barat Basabri of Basabri Ag Research in Newman, CA.

Trial details:
Each plot consists of five trees and was replicated six times across the orchard. Throughout the growing season, 50 gallons per acre (ga/A) of UAN-32 is applied as a constant in every plot.

Plot 1 (Conventional grower standard):
• 10-34-0 applied at 37.5 ga/A
• Potassium thiosulfate applied at 40 ga/A
• EDTA Zinc (Zn) applied four times during the season for a total of 2 ga/A

Plot 2:
• Actagro’s Structure® applied at a rate of 25 ga/A
• Potassium thiosulfate applied at 40 ga/A
• EDTA Zinc (Zn) applied four times during the season for a total of 2 ga/A

Plot 3:
• AgroLiquid’s PrG™ applied at 15 ga/A
• Potassium thiosulfate applied at 40 ga/A
• EDTA Zinc (Zn) applied four times during the season for a total of 2 ga/A

Plot 4:
• AgroLiquid’s PrG applied at 15 ga/A
• AgroLiquid’s Kalibrate™ at a rate of 13.2 ga/A
• EDTA Zinc (Zn) applied four times during the season for a total of 2 ga/A

The results of the two-year averages are as follows. Plot 1: The “Grower Standard” of 10-34-0 + Potassium thiosulfate yielded an average of 2,616 lbs. per acre. The second plot where Structure® was used in place of 10-34-0 + Potassium thiosulfate, yielded a two-year average of 2,825 lbs./acre. The third plot was AgroLiquid’s PrG + Potassium thiosulfate which yielded an average of 2,840 lbs./acre. The final plot was a full AgroLiquid program using both PrG + Kalibrate which yielded a two-year average of 2,829 lbs./acre. Yield results in the last three plots were comparable. For complete details on the almond trial please refer to the AgroLiquid website: research.agroliquid.com where all of our research data can be found dating back to 1983.

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