News Archives - AgroLiquid AgroLiquid Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:45:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Product Spotlight: LiberateCa Mon, 31 Aug 2020 22:04:11 +0000 Phosphorus and calcium typically don’t mix. LiberateCa makes applications worry free, as it can be combined with other products –- even phosphorus. LiberateCa is highly available as it is chelated with our Nutriq Technology (FPT) to allow unsurpassed applica tion compatibility and extremely effective plant absorption. FPT expedites the translocation of calcium into and throughout […]

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Phosphorus and calcium typically don’t mix. LiberateCa makes applications worry free, as it can be combined with other products –- even phosphorus. LiberateCa is highly available as it is chelated with our Nutriq Technology (FPT) to allow unsurpassed applica

tion compatibility and extremely effective plant absorption. FPT expedites the translocation of calcium into and throughout the plant for a quick and robust response – whether it is applied in the soil or in a foliar.

LiberateCa can be used on a variety of crops in a variety of timings. It is well-suited to use in-furrow as part of a row starter package for corn, or other row crops, to promote firmness of fruit in horticultural applications, and to decrease the potential for blossom end rot in tomato production.

Only mix the amount you need in a single application as the effects of chelation may dissipate resulting in the development of sediment after being mixed for several days with other products.

LiberateCa Benefits

  • Corrects or prevents calcium deficiency, stunted growth, and reduced yields
  • Promotes strong plant cell growth
  • Improves resistance to stress, drought and disease
  • Balances soil salinity
  • Improves water penetration through soil
  • Easy to apply at planting or throughout the growing season
  • Easy to apply with other nutrients

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Product Spotlight: Micro 500 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 18:28:24 +0000 Plants require 17 essential elements for maximum growth and production. Eight of these elements are micronutrients, while they are required in smaller amounts than macro and secondary nutrients they are still essential for plant growth. Five of the eight essential micronutrients can be found in Micro 500 – boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc. Micro […]

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Plants require 17 essential elements for maximum growth and production. Eight of these elements are micronutrients, while they are required in smaller amounts than macro and secondary nutrients they are still essential for plant growth. Five of the eight essential micronutrients can be found in Micro 500 – boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc.

Micro 500 is a precision balanced combination of five essential micronutrients: boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc. Micro 500 utilizes AgroLiquid’s Nutriq Technology and provides the benefit of synergized nutrients. Micro 500 should be considered when a specific micronutrient deficiency has not been established.

Micronutrient deficiencies are being seen in soil increasingly. Why is that?

  • Increased yields due to various technologies means higher removal of micronutrients from the soil.
  • Some micronutrients are no longer contained in high analysis fertilizers and fertilizer materials.
  • Any type of land preparation which results in the removal of several inches of topsoil can result in a deficiency of certain micronutrients on the cut areas.
  • High phosphorus levels can induce micronutrient deficiencies.


The chart below shows research from the North Central Research Station. They did a comparison of micronutrients and the additional one and two quarts of Micro 500 gave an additional net return and yielded higher than the baseline and no micronutrients.


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Expect the Unexpected Mon, 27 Jul 2020 18:20:32 +0000 The post Expect the Unexpected appeared first on AgroLiquid.


By: Galynn Beer, National Sales Manager

In agriculture, we are used to dealing with uncertainty. Weather, markets, the level of uncertainty
that exists in our geography, all are factors in making crop input decisions. Trade wars and
tariffs, along with Market Facilitation Programs (MFPs), have been harder to predict and factor
into decisions and has caused some frustration. But we’ve persevered.

Agriculture Presses On

While much of the country, and world for that matter, ground to a halt as a result of COVID 19, agriculture presses on. Farmers continue to quarantine themselves in their tractors and isolate themselves in fields. The one thing to
remember is that COVID 19 is not transmitted through the phone while sound advice can be. Technology provides us a mode of communication that delivers access to resources of expertise and inputs.

The Weight of Uncertainty

With all of the financial news being reported, a great deal of uncertainty exists. This can cause farmers to go in to survival mode and want to scale back input costs to a minimum. Emotionally charged decisions may override rational business decisions. AgroLiquid has personnel that ranks at the top of the industry when it comes to
making recommendations and matching fertilizer needs to expectations and economic conditions. While there won’t
be room for frivolous spending, a nitrogen only program—which I would consider a survival decision—won’t be the answer either. AgroLiquid aims to add value through guidance from trusted advisors. Someone who is a step removed from the weight of uncertainty can provide insights to help fight off the risk-averse tendencies that creep in with unanticipated risk. The AgroLiquid team can help in a couple of ways:
1) we have a culture of constant improvement to elevate our skills for times like this and
2) we want the farmer to be able to emerge from the uncertainty as an entity that will be on-going… surviving and producing profits for years to come.

As a result, it is in our best interest to make fertilizer recommendations that are in the grower’s best interest. We are
used to balancing the expense of crop nutrition with expected revenue, which accounts for current risk.

Evaluating Risk

In times like this, normal risk-takers can turn very conservative. And it is a sound practice to evaluate levels of risk. But as unexpected as this virus and all of the negativity has been, there are often surprise glimmers of opportunity. I’m sure the toilet paper industry never forecasted the demand they are experiencing! Many businesses have been affected. Virtually every aspect of the economy that generates tax revenue for local governments are going to take a serious hit. We’ve seen the Fed set a target Fed Funds rate of 0% in order to make risk-taking less costly. The potential exists for us to see significant spend packages to jump start the economy once the impact of the virus has subsided. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some quantitative easing as we did after the housing bubble burst, which is just the Fed buying back longer term securities to hold on their balance sheet and replaces those securities with cash in the economy to be spent. These actions could devalue the dollar, which then can prop up commodity prices and
make our agricultural products more affordable for countries like China. If indeed we see a bump in prices, it will likely be delayed; in other words we’ll have to wait and deal with added uncertainty in the interim. But if a producer faced with difficult decisions cuts too many corners, and then commodities rally to better levels, there won’t be the optimum production to capitalize on the opportunity.

The Path Forward

You’ve heard it before, but we are in unprecedented territory. While quantitative easing could help lower the value of the dollar, currency is still comparative. This means if other currencies don’t come up compared to the USD, then there won’t be much of a benefit. Also, demand will matter and it is difficult (impossible) to know what the consequences of most of the world hiding in their houses will do to demand for commodity products, even once recovery starts. A case can be made for a rally at some point in the future, but it’s hard to predict to what levels we could expect if it does. However, a scenario does exist that a rally could occur that is hard to imagine today. Rational thinking that can weigh the potential for an upside can be an offsetting entry for the brain to balance the thoughts that it will be a long free fall; it might not be.

Your AgroLiquid Team

Agriculture is generally counter-cyclical to the rest of the economy. Agriculture often benefits from the government
spending our way out of a recession. So, as you manage through this season, make sure that the irrational behavior
that is occurring around you doesn’t lead to a bunch of ill-advised decisions. More surprises may be lurking, but we
will emerge. Outside guidance on crop nutrition from the AgroLiquid team can help buffer emotions as the growing
season is thrust upon us. AgroLiquid can add value that extends beyond the nutrients we manufacture. Incorporate outside opinions from a variety of experts to make rational, business decisions in an environment that is loaded with emotion.

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Product Spotlight: Pro-Germinator Thu, 16 Jul 2020 13:45:43 +0000 Pro-Germinator is our premier phosphorus fertilizer. Partnered with nitrogen, potassium, and micronutrients for maximum performance.   Pro-Germinator uses a combination of phosphate, nitrogen, potash and iron along with quick-release and slow-release phosphates that are protected by our Nutriq Technology. This combination allows for exceptional growth early on and helps plants during critical growth periods.   […]

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Pro Germinator

Pro-Germinator is our premier phosphorus fertilizer. Partnered with nitrogen, potassium, and micronutrients for maximum performance.


Pro-Germinator uses a combination of phosphate, nitrogen, potash and iron along with quick-release and slow-release phosphates that are protected by our Nutriq Technology. This combination allows for exceptional growth early on and helps plants during critical growth periods.


Product Benefits

  • Stimulates early growth
  • Provides steady source of essential nutrients
  • Reduced risk of leaf burn
  • Reduced risk of soil salinization and nutrient toxicity
  • Flexible application methods to reduce manpower required
  • Can be applied with other nutrients, pesticides, or fungicides

Pro-Germinator Use Guide

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LAND OF LIQUID: Making Good Alfalfa Better…..With AgroLiquid Thu, 15 Jun 2017 02:51:28 +0000 So hopefully you read in the Research Report about all of the alfalfa trial work that Agronomist Dan Peterson conducted last year in Wisconsin.  Yield was often improved with AgroLiquid applied alone or more often, on top of a growers dry fertilizer program or manure.  Anyway, applications of Sure-K and other AgroLiquid nutrients had a […]

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So hopefully you read in the Research Report about all of the alfalfa trial work that Agronomist Dan Peterson conducted last year in Wisconsin.  Yield was often improved with AgroLiquid applied alone or more often, on top of a growers dry fertilizer program or manure.  Anyway, applications of Sure-K and other AgroLiquid nutrients had a tremendous effect on quality and calculated milk production (formula based on quality components).  So here in Michigan we are taking a new look at alfalfa programs, working in conjunction with Dan.  A couple trials are with local dairymen.  Last week we made applications to fields a week after first cut and harvest.  This field is right next to the NCRS Farm 12.  This is an irrigated field and has had manure applied the previous two years with no additional fertilizer to be applied this year.  So we have two strips of AgroLiquid, mainly Sure-K + Micros.  He was able to irrigate after harvest and had nice regrowth.

alfalfa in michigan

There is about 4 to 5 inchees of regrowth, perfect for the foliar application that Phil is making with our Hagie sprayer.

fertilizing alfalfa

We made a different application to a dryland field of a different dairy operation several miles away. It has been very dry of late and rain would be nice.  These applications were last Thursday and no rain since, and temperatures are in the 90’s

alfalfa field

This field is right by this nice lagoon.  In fact we put our strip marker flags on the fence.  Didn’t see any No Swimming signs, and it is hot…. But this grower will apply potash after next cut, and we will see what the addition of AgroLiquid brings to the yield and quality measurements.


Back at the NCRS, our test field had been cut and harvested the previous day.  So after making the farmer applications, we came back and applied dry fertilizer to the appropriate plots in our test  The following week, which is tomorrow, we will apply AgroLiquid treatments to the regrowth.  We will get a variety of comparisons.   Here intern Jacob applies dry potash and MAP to plots with our dry air spreader, or Blower as we call it.  It does a great job.  I mean we have to be fair in our tests.

fertilizer to alfalfa regrowth

We apply the dry components separately so as not to be stuck with left over fertilizer blends.  The dry micros are spread manually.  I use a hand held spinner spreader, but Zouheir prefers spreading by hand.  We often have some differences in experimental technique which often leads to lively discussion.

spreading micros by hand

So we compromise.  He does it his way and I do it mine!

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