Wheat Category Archives | AgroLiquid Blog https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/category/crops/wheat/ AgroLiquid Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:49:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 Late Foliar Applications to Winter Wheat https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/late-foliar-applications-to-winter-wheat/ Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:54:58 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=10664 [one_fourth style=””] Experiment Info Planted 10/4/2011 Variety Pioneer 25W43 Population 2 mill seed/A Previous Crop Navy beans Plot size 15’x180’/210’/130′ Replications 5 Topdress 4/13/2011 Late Foliar 5/24/2011 Harvested 7/13/2011   Soil Test Values (ppm) pH 7.5 CEC 8.3 %OM 1.6 Bicarb 7 K 70 S 12 %K 2.2 %Mg 15.5 %Ca 81.7 %H 0 %Na […]

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Experiment Info

Planted 10/4/2011
Variety Pioneer 25W43
Population 2 mill seed/A
Previous Crop Navy beans
Plot size 15’x180’/210’/130′
Replications 5
Topdress 4/13/2011
Late Foliar 5/24/2011
Harvested 7/13/2011


Soil Test Values (ppm)

pH 7.5
CEC 8.3
%OM 1.6
Bicarb 7
K 70
S 12
%K 2.2
%Mg 15.5
%Ca 81.7
%H 0
%Na 0.6
Zn 1.2
Mn 3
B 0.6
[/one_fourth] [three_fourths_last style=””]


Late Foliar Applications 1
This picture was taken on May 5. The plot to the left of the stake received the Pro-Germinator + Micro 500 through the drill at planting. The plot to the right of the stake received nothing at that time. At the time, it was apparent that the plots that received the fall fertilizer had larger wheat and the plants were darker green.
 The two pictures on the left are from this experiment. The picture on the left was taken on May 5. The plot to the left of the stake received the Pro- Germinator + Micro 500 through the drill at planting. The plot to the right of the stake received nothing at that time. At the time, it was apparent that the plots that received the fall fertilizer had larger wheat and the plants were darker green. The picture on the right is during the late foliar application on May 24. There were no visible signs of wheat disease at any time before or after the applications. There was no fertilizer burn on the wheat leaves following application.
This picture was taken during the late foliar
application on May 24. There were no visible signs of wheat disease at any time before or after the applications. There was no fertilizer burn on the wheat leaves following application.

1) Evaluate the effects of a drill application of 4 gal/A of Pro-Germinator + 2 qt/A on yield of winter wheat compared to no fertilizer applied, which is the most common treatment option. (2) Evaluate the effects of a fungicide application (Quadris) at fl ag leaf (Feekes stage 10) either alone or with foliar fertilizers. (Note: all treatments received the same topdress application: 12 gal/A High NRG-N + 16 gal/A 28%+eNhance.)

Winter wheat is usually planted right after soybean harvest here in the Upper Midwest, and is usually not fertilized at that time. Later in the growing season, foliar applications of fungicides have often shown yield increases due to suppression of fungal diseases. The application of fungicides presents an excellent opportunity for the inclusion of some crop nutrition. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the above two objectives, and this was the second year of application of these treatments.

For the foliar application, spray volume was at 20 gal/A with Turbo TeeJet nozzles (TJ-03) at a pressure of 60 psi.

Treatment yields appear in the following chart.

Late Foliar Applications to Winter Wheat


  • The application of the Pro-Germinator + Micro 500 at planting resulted in a signifi cant yield increase.
  • Application of Quadris, Quadris + ferti-Rain and Quadris + NResponse had a larger yield effect on the wheat that received Pro-Germinator + Micro 500 at planting. It is possible that the addition of fertilizer at planting increased yield potential. The presence of the foliar inputs was able to take advantage of wheat that was not limited by lack of nutrition in the fall, whether this was due to larger plants, or better fed.
  • The application of the planting-time fertilizer did not seem to have a major effect on the treatment that received no foliar application. There must have been a synergistic effect where the presence of both had a far greater effect than that of either input alone.

Treatment averages from the two years of this experiment appear in the following table.

                           Effect of Drill-Applied Fertilizer and Foliar Applications on Winter Wheat Yield.

North Central Research Station. 2010-2011

With Drill Fertilizer 2010 2011 2 yr  avg.
no foliar 83.7 85.9 84.8
Quadris alone 86.3 93.2 89.8
Quadris + ferti-Rain 85.5 97.6 91.6
Quadris + NResponse 88.2 98.5 93.4
Quadris +       Coron 83.9 87.2 85.6
Average: 85.5 92.5 89.0
No Drill Fertilizer
no foliar 73.6 83 78.3
Quadris alone 71.7 83.4 77.6
Quadris + ferti-Rain 81.4 84.6 83.0 Application rates in table:
Quadris + NResponse 79.2 89.3 84.3 Quadris: 8 fluid oz/A
Quadris +       Coron 81.4 85.3 83.4 NResponse and Coron: 3 gal/A
Average: 77.5 85.1 81.3 ferti-Rain: 3 gal/A (2010); 2 gal/A (2011)



  • There was a 7.7 Bu/A advantage per year from the application of the planter-time fertilizer (4 gal/A Pro-Germinator + 2 qt/A Micro 500).
  • Addition of ferti-Rain and NResponse to the foliar application of Quadris did result in further yield increase of wheat.

The post Late Foliar Applications to Winter Wheat appeared first on AgroLiquid.

Winter Wheat Fertilizer Program Comparisons https://www.agroliquid.com/resources/blog/winter-wheat-fertilizer-program-comparisons/ Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:54:57 +0000 https://www.agroliquid.com/?p=10666 The post Winter Wheat Fertilizer Program Comparisons appeared first on AgroLiquid.


Experiment Info

Planted: 9/24
Variety: Red Devil
Population: 1.85 million
Row Spacing: 7.5″
Previous Crop: Navy Beans
Plot Size: 15′ x 265′
Replications: 4
Liquid BC: 4/5
Topdress: 7/16

Soil Test Values (ppm)

pH: 6.7
CEC: 12.4
% OM: 2.8
Bray P1: 15
K: 132
S: 6
% K: 2.7
% Mg: 21.2
% Ca: 75.9
% H: 0
% Na: 0.2
Zn: 1.2
Mn: 5
B: 0.5
Yield Goal: 100 bu
Fertilizer Rate:


To compare fertilizer program rates and sources for winter wheat.

Fall applied fertilizer programs have been researched for a number of years at the NCRS. Comparisons of a soil test program to a basic program of Pro-Germinator and Micro 500 have been tested the last 5 years to determine the importance of following a soil test. In this year’s experiment , a soil test program of 8.5 gal/A Pro-Germinator, 1 gal/A Sure-K, 2 qt/A Micro 500 and 2 gal/A access was compared to 4.25 gal/A Pro-Germinator with 2 qt/A Micro 500. These programs were also compared to a conventional fertilizer program of 10-34-0, ATS, Manganese and Zinc. Yield results appear on the chart below.

Winter Wheat Fertilizer Program ComparisonsConclusions:

  • All fertilizer treatments increased wheat yield over the nitrogen only treatment.
  • Although the soil test program did have a higher yield than the other fertilizer programs, it was not statistically significant. Similar treatments have been evaluated in the past at the NCRS with a 2 bu average yield advantage to the soil test program. In all cases, the additional fertilizer costs were not covered by the yield increase.
  • The addition of access to the fertilizer program did not influence yield.
  • The conventional program yielded similar to the other fertilizer programs.

The post Winter Wheat Fertilizer Program Comparisons appeared first on AgroLiquid.
