Foliar crop nutrition in soybeans

Soybeans require large amounts of potassium (K), sulfur (S), and calcium (Ca). They also require micronutrients such as manganese and iron to meet their yield potential. In addition to soil applications of those nutrients, soybeans often respond to foliar applications. Sure-K® and fertiRain® products are well suited to provide cost-effective crop nutrition when applied as foliar treatments.


Sure-K was applied for 10 consecutive years in a corn-soybean rotation as a soil applied treatment and as a foliar treatment. Over the 10 years of the trial, the foliar application of Sure-K at 3 gal/A consistently performed as well as Sure-K applied at 5 gal/A in-furrow.


When applied alone, fertiRain provides excellent potassium nutrition along with nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Application timings are flexible, and it can be tank mixed with many crop protection products.

The Right Mix

Sure-K and fertiRain can be applied alone, or in combination with each other or other crop nutrients. Soybeans will often require more potassium than fertiRain alone can provide, and fertiRain can provide additional nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur to Sure-K.

Performance Consistency is Key

Product performance consistency is as important as individual trial results. AgroLiquid has evaluated yield response to foliar applied Sure-K across 165 locations from 1998 – 2019. Those trials showed a high level of performance consistency and economic benefit. The economic response was calculated using the soybean market price and fertilizer costs appropriate for the year each trial was conducted.

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Tracking shot. Drone point of view of a Tractor spraying on a cultivated field. Small Business.